Click Proceed To Coinbase

Age Verification

Payment Method

Send Crypto

The fastest way to obtain and send bitcoin is by using the Cash App. (
You can also obtain cryptocurrency using Coinbase
We are in no way affiliated with the Cash App or Coinbase
How to obtain cryptocurrency:
Start an account using the Cash App. It’s quick and simple.
Fund your account
Purchase Bitcoin
Once you have Bitcoin you can purchase our products.
Cash App Links
Please understand that it will take up to 7 days to take your purchased Bitcoin out of Coinbase. This is a policy set my Coinbase and we are in no way affiliated with Coinbase.
In order to prevent fraud Coinbase does verify accounts. Please plan accordingly. You’ll want to go through process of setting up your account with them, transferring funds and getting everything in order before making your order with us.
The good news is we will no longer require the order emails.
We will still be checking age as our product is NOT INTENDED for anyone under the at of 21.
Thank you,
Only use this if instructed to do so by staff.